Astronomers' Days 2012


The meeting was held 4.—6. of June 2012 in Haikko. The total number of participants was 68, from sixteen different institutes and organisations. Together there were 35 talks and 14 posters — there would have been even more interest for talk slots, and for the next Astronomer's days the organisers are charting different options to make event even longer (three full days, at least).

The organisers want to thank once again the sponsors for making this possible. In particular, the sponsorship by The Finnish Graduate School in Astronomy and Space Science allowed so many students to participate and meet other students and researchers, as well as practice giving talks and making posters (almost half of the talks were given by doctoral students!), and giving a very interesting overview of the astronomical research done in Finland.

See you again in 2014!

(Feel free to suggest interesting venues, at info(at)ttseura(dot)fi.)

News & updates

[6.6.] The meeting is now over. Thank you all for coming and see you again in 2014!
Updated programme (also pdf) and the abstracts (pdf) are now available.
[16.5.] Programme and directions are now available.
[11.5.] The abstracst have been sent to the SOC who will accept the talks and posters; any news and details on the local things at the venue will be posted here and by email once everything is clear.
[30.4.] Registration has ended.
[26.4.] Transit of Venus occurs during the meeting. A viewing event is being planned.
[26.4.] Information about the Venue is gathered here.
[26.4.] Technical information on preparing the talks and posters is now available.
[13.4.] First circular was sent to astronomy and space science departments. (link)
[29.3.] Registration is now open. Register here.
[29.3.] Facebook event for the Astronomers' Days can be found and joined here.
[28.3.] The invited speakers have been confirmed. See programme.
[28.3.] The conference fee and accommodation prices are now fixed. Summary: 120/150 € for members/non-members and accommodation starting from 160 € for the whole meeting. 280 € covers everything except travels. Student total price: 0 €. Details below.

Basic information

[Tiivistelmä suomeksi / Summary in Finnish]

Dates: 4.—6.6.2012; from Monday morning to Wednesday afternoon
Venue and accommodation: Haikko manor, Porvoo
Language of the meeting: English
Invited: Researchers and students working with astronomy, space physics, cosmology, and related fields, in Finland
Participation: 120 € for members, 150 € for non-members.
This includes the meals and the social programme (conference dinner and a seaside sauna evening). Paid in advance.
Accommodation: In shared rooms (80 € per night), with a limited number of single rooms (101 € per night) available. Paid to the venue at the meeting.
Deadline: 29.4.2012 for registration.
Registration: Sign up here.
More information: info at ttseura dot fi

Students N.B.!

The Finnish Graduate School in Astronomy and Space Physics sponsors all students and pays their participation (participation fee, accommodation in shared rooms, and social programme; options for free transport from Helsinki are being charted but not quaranteed). The requirement for the free participation is having a talk or a poster at the meeting.

[FI] Tähtitieteilijäpäivät 2012

Tapaamisen kielenä on englanti, joten ilmoittautumiset ja jatkoviestintä on englanniksi.

Milloin: 4.—6.6.2012; maanantai-aamusta keskiviikko-iltapäivään
Missä: Haikon kartano, Porvoo
Esitelmien kieli: Englanti
Kohdeyleisö: Suomen tähtitieteen, kosmologian, avaruusfysiikan ja vastaavien alojen tutkijat ja opiskelijat
Osallistuminen: 120 € jäseniltä, 150 € ei-jäseniltä.
Sisältää ateriat ja sosiaalisen ohjelman (konferenssi-illallisen ja rantasaunaillan). Maksetaan etukäteen.
Majoitus: Kahden hengen huoneissa (80 € / yö); tarjolla on rajattu määrä yhden hengen huoneita (101 € yö). Maksetaan paikanpäällä hotellille.
Ilmoittautuminen: Ilmoittaudu täällä.
Lisätietoja: info at ttseura dot fi

Opiskelijat huomio!

Tähtitieteen ja avaruusfysiikan tutkijakoulu sponsoroi kaikkia opiskelijoita maksamalla näiden osallistumisen (osallistumismaksu, majoitus kahden hengen huoneissa, ateriat, sosiaalinen ohjelman; matkojen järjestämistä ainakin Helsingistä selvitetään parhaillaan). Ilmaisen osallistumisen edellytyksen on esitelmän pito tai posteri.


The Astronomers' Days are organised by the Finnish Astronomical Society with the help of the Scientific Organising Comittee. The event is funded by participation fees and sponsorship/grants from various sources.

Scientific Organising Committee

Peter Johansson (Helsinki)
Jari Kotilainen (FINCA)
Anne Lähteenmäki(Metsähovi)
Seppo Mattila (Tuorla)
Juri Poutanen (Oulu), chair of the committee

Local Organising Committee

Seppo Katajainen (Tuorla)
Karri Koljonen (Metsähovi)
Maarit Mantere (Helsinki
Vitaly Neustroev (Oulu)
Joni Tammi (Metsähovi)

Tukijat / Sponsors

Tieteellisten seurain valtuuskunta
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Tähtitieteen ja avaruusfysiikan tutkijakoulu
Graduate School in Astronomy and Space Physics
Aalto-yliopiston Metsähovin radio-observatorio
Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory
Geofysiikan ja tähtitieteen osasto, Fysiikan laitos, Helsingin yliopisto
Division of Geophysics and Astronomy, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki
Tähtitieteen osasto, Fysikaalisten tieteiden laitos, Oulun yliopisto
Astronomy Division, Department of Physical Sciences, University of Oulu
Tuorlan observatorio, Tähtitieteen ja fysiikan laitos, Turun yliopisto
Tuorla Observatory, Department of Astronomy and Physics, University of Turku
FINCA, Suomen ESO-keskus
FINCA, Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO