Tähtitieteilijäpäivät 2010
Astronomer's days 2010(for English announcement, see below)
Lopullinen ohjelma - Final program: Program_final.pdf.
Kesäkuun 2.-4., 2010 Suomen tähtitieteilijät kokoontuivat Tampereen lähellä Kangasalla sijaitsevaan Kuntoutumiskeskus Apilaan kolmipäiväiseen konferenssiin ihmettelemään ja ihailemaan suomalaisen tähtitieteen saavutuksia.
Kokoukseen oli kutsuttu myös kaksi tähtivierasta, Professori Rashid Sunyaev Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics:ista ja Bruno Leibundgut (ESOn tiedeoperaatioiden johtaja). Tämän lisäksi kokouksen yhteydessä oli sessio FINCA:sta (Finnish Center for Astronomy with ESO) ja sen tulevasta roolista suomalaisessa tähtitieteessä.
Kokouksen esitelmät löytyvät alta pdf-tiedostoina.
Astronomer's Days 2010
The Astronomer's Day 2010, the annual meeting of the Finnish Astronomical Society, was arranged from 2nd to 4th of June, 2010. Finnish astronomical community gathered at Kuntoutumiskeskus Apila in Kangasala, near Tampere for a three day conference to marvel at the achievements of Finnish astronomy.
We had invited two international guests - Prof. Rashid Sunyaev from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and Bruno Leibundgut, the director of science operations at ESO -to give talks on hot subjects relevant to our community. Also, we had a discussion session about the Finnish Center for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA) and its role in shaping the future of astronomy in Finland.
The presentations can be found below as pdf files.
- Battarbee: Coronal Shock Acceleration of Protons and Minor Ions In Self-generated Turbulence
- Bird: The Inner Halo of M87: A First Direct View of the Red-Giant Population
- Datson: Search for a solar twin in the Geneva-Copenhagen-Survey
- Flynn: Where is the light, where is the matter
- Halme: Dynamical and photometric simulations of propeller features in Saturn's A ring
- Kapylä: Convection-driven dynamos in spherical wedge geometry
- Koljonen: A new approach to disk/jet connection of the enigmatic microquasar Cygnus X-3 (poster)
- Korhonen: Investigating stellar surface structures using VLTI infrared interferometry
- Kotilainen1: Introducing the Finnish Centre for Astronomy with ESO (FINCA)
- Kotilainen2: Co-Evolution of Black Holes and Galaxies
- Leibundgut: ESO Today and Tomorrow
- Liljeström: Communicating Astronomy to the Public
- Mäkitalo: Optimal inversion of the Anscombe variance-stabilizing transformation in low-count Poisson image denoising
- Portinari: Helium abundance in nearby stars and in Globular Clusters
- Salo: Saturn's rings
- Rastorgueva: Statistics of Supervision
- Rastorgueva: Finnish Doctoral Students Questionnaire on Supervision
- Rautiainen: Life near Outer Lindblad Resonance
- Rekola: Astronomer's Days Photos
- Savolainen: Seeking a Unified Model of Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
- Snellman: The effect of shear and rotation on the Reynolds stresses in hydrodynamic turbulence
- Somero: VLT SPECTROSCOPY OF X1822-371
- Tammi: Non-jet flares in AGNs: Signatures from loading of the jet?
- Veikkolainen: A comparison between magnetic properties of Earth and Mars
- Veledina: Spectral Formation in the Vicinity of Supermassive Black Holes
- Wiik: Interferometry for Finnish astronomers
- Ysard: Galactic Cold Cores with Planck & Herschel
- Zubko: Interpretation of spectral photo-polarimetric observations of Comet 17P/Holmes on October-November of 2007